Covenant Renewal Liturgy

Sunday, 13 October, 2024

Twenty-First Sunday of Trinity Season

God Calls Us

Call to Worship – Psalm 19:1-6
Opening Prayer
Come before Him with singing...
I Sing the Mighty Power of God #347

God Cleanses Us

We Confess our Faith…
The Apostle’s Creed
Old Testament reading of the Law
Deuteronomy 18:9-19
Holy, Holy, Holy, #317
We Confess our Sin…
Pastoral Exhortation
Prayer of Confession
Silent Prayer

God Consecrates Us

Declaration of Pardon
All We Have is Christ
New Testament reading of the Gospel
Matthew 23:29-39
The Presentation of our Offerings
The Doxology, #734
Pastoral Prayer and Supplications
The Lord’s Prayer
The Preaching of the Word
"Repent or Be Deatroyed"
Acts 3:11-26
Pastor Stackhouse

God Communes With Us

The Service of the Table
His Mercy Is More
Prayer and the Words of Institution
Partaking Together

God Commissions Us

Psalm 121, I Will Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills, #232
Three-fold Amen